For nearly half a century, Safran USA has supported a U.S. customer base that includes federal, state and local governments, all branches of the armed forces, airlines, cargo carriers, and many other companies in the aerospace and defense sectors.
Safran has established long-standing, successful and growing relationships in the U.S. market.
Aircraft Circuit Breakers
Thermal Circuit Breakers

Founded in 1946, Control Products, Inc’s first sales were to the US government in military applications and switches designed by CPI continue to be used extensively in military equipment. Today, CPI provides creative control solutions to a diverse group of markets, where high reliability is needed in demanding applications.
Linear Position Sensors
Waterproof Switches
Thermal Switches

For nearly half a century, Safran USA has supported a U.S. customer base that includes federal, state and local governments, all branches of the armed forces, airlines, cargo carriers, and many other companies in the aerospace and defense sectors.
Safran has established long-standing, successful and growing relationships in the U.S. market.
Aircraft Circuit Breakers
Thermal Circuit Breakers
Electrical & Power Relays
49- Terminal Covers for Hermetically Sealed Power Relays MS27243
6041H- Power Relay - Unsealed, Intermittent Duty Type III and Continuous Duty Type IIMS24166, MS24171, MS24172, MS24178, MS24179, MS24185, MS24187, AN3362, AN3372
6042H- Power Relay - Hermetically Sealed, 12-400 AmpsMS24140, MS24141, MS24142, MS24143, MS24168, MS24182, MS24183, MS24184, MS24376, MS27242, MS27997
6046H- Power Relay - Unsealed, Continuous Duty Type II, 50-200 Amps
MS25030, MS25031, MS25032
9565H- Power Relay - Unsealed, Continuous Duty Type II, 25-100 Amps MS24192, MS24193
SM15 Power Relay - Environmentally Sealed Light-Weight, 3 PoleM6106/9, /10, /11
SM100D-Power Relay - Gasket Sealed, SPST-NO, 100 Amps
SM150D-Power Relay - Gasket Sealed, SPST-NO or SPDT, 150 Amps
SM200D-Power Relay - Gasket Sealed, SPST-NO, 200 Amps
SM400D-Power Relay - Gasket Sealed, SPST-NO, 400 Amps
SM1000D-Power Relay - Gasket Sealed, SPST-NO, 1000 Amps
SM135B2-Generator Contactor - 40KVA, 135A Contactor
SM400H-Power Relay - Hermetically Sealed, SPST, 40 Amps
Electrical & Power Switches
Toggle Switches
8510-8512 Industrial Sealed Toggle Switches
8520-8528 Industrial Sealed Toggle Switches (UL/CSA)
8566-8568 Industrial Sealed Designer-line Toggle Switches
8530-8532 Industrial Econoline Sealed Toggle Switches
8536-8538 Econoswitch Sealed Lever-lock Toggle Switches
8533-8535 Econoswitch Sealed Designer-line Toggle Switches
8500-8502 Mil-S-3950 Toggle Switches MS24523, MS24524, MS24525, MS27406, MS27407
8503-8505 Mil-S-3950 Lever-lock Toggle Switches MS24658, MS24659, MS24660, MS27408, MS27409
8570-8572 Mil-S-3950 IWTS Toggles Switches MS27722, MS27723, MS27724, MS27784, MS27785, MS27786
8573-8575 Mil-S-3950 IWTS Lever-lock Toggle Switches MS27781, MS27782, MS27783, MS27787, MS27788, MS27789
A-3 Mil-S-8805 Multi Circuit Switches M8805/93
8836-8845 Mil-S-8834 Sealed Positive Action Toggle Switches MS25306, MS25307, MS25308, MS14001, MS14002, MS14003, MS24612, MS24613, MS24614
8836KP-8838KP Flush Mount Sealed Positive Action Toggle Switches
8866-8869 Mil-S-8834 Miniature Positive Action Toggle Switches (Solder) MS24655, MS24656
8866-8869 Mil-S-8834 Miniature Positive Action Toggle Switches(PCB) MS21354, MS21355, MS21356, MS21357, MS21433, MS21434
8855-8856 Mil-S-8834 Miniature Positive Action Toggle Switches (Lever-lock/Solder) MS21026, MS21027, MS21436, MS21437
8855-8869 Mil-S-8834 Miniature Positive Action Toggle Switches (Lever-lock/IWTS) MS21346, MS21347
8854 4 Pole Miniature Positive Action Toggle Switches
8879 4 Pole Miniature Positive Action Lever-lock Toggle Switches
T - TW Miniature Integral Toggle Switches MS18151
8780-8792 High Capacity Flush Mount Toggle Switches AN3230
Pushbutton Switches
D200 Heavy Duty Momentary Snap Action Pushbutton Switches
H2200 Double Pole Momentary Snap Action Pushbutton Switches
J300 Alternate Action Moisture Proof Pushbutton Switches
C20050 Momentary Snap Action Pushbutton Switches MS16712
J4004 Alternate Action Pushbutton Switches
J100 Alternate Action High Current Pushbutton Switches
W300 Moisture Proof Pushbutton Switches
W9000 Swivel Action Pushbutton Switches
W9600 Wide Button Moisture Proof Pushbutton Switches
C100-W100-WC150 Uniform Panel Appearance Pushbutton Switches
B9001-B9022 Sub-Miniature Pushbutton Switches M8805/96
B7070 Sub-Miniature Pushbutton Switches M8805/95
A20000, J20000 Momentary & Alt. Action Snap Action Illuminated Pushbutton Switches M22885/18
8895-8899 Hand Controls with Pushbuttons (Grips)NAF1173, NAF1174
8870-8809 Special Designed Pushbutton Switches M8805/55
Rocker Switches
8551-8553 Econoswitch Sealed Rocker Switches, with Removable Button
8554-8556 Econoswitch Sealed Rocker Switches
8540-8542 Environmentally Sealed Rocker Switches
8543-8545 Environmentally Sealed Rocker Switches, with Removable Button
8546-8548 Environmentally Sealed Rocker Switches
Precision Snap Action Switches
D,E,G,K,S Basic Switches, Precision Snap Action Switches MS25085, MS25342, MS25343, MS25244, MS25348, MS25349, MS25353, MS25356, MS25357
A2-5,A5-18 Basic Switches, Precision Snap Action, Roller and Leaf Actuator
Sealed Limit Switches
H11 Environmentally Sealed Limit Switches MS21321, MS24331, MS27240
HH Hermetically Sealed Limit Switches
Switch Guards and Shields
8492K-8499L Switch Guards, Mil-G-7703 MS24417, MS25214, MS25221, MS25223, MS25224, MS25225, MS25452, MS27752, NAF47851-1
73 Pushbutton Shields
Safran Electrical & Power Circuit Breakers
160 Single Pole, 50-100 Amps MS25361, MS25361-V
170 Single Pole, 125-200 Amps
700 Single Pole, Miniature, 5-50 Amps MS25244, MS25244-P, MS25244-PT
1500 Single Pole, Fast Trip, .5-10 Amps
4001 Single Pole, Sub-miniature, 1-25 Amps MS22073, MS22073-V, MS22073-D
4200 Single Pole, Lightweight Sub-miniature, .5-25 Amps MS26574, MS26574-L, MS26574-D, MS26574-A, MS26574-DL
4310 Ambient Temp. Compensated, Sub-miniature, 1-25 Amps MS3320, MS3320-L, MS3320-V, MS3320-VL
940 3 Phase, High Capacity, 50-200 Amps
1526 3 Pole, Fast Trip, 1-15 Amps
1536 3 Pole, 3 Phase, Miniature Ambient Temp. Compensated, 5-50 Amps
4330 3 Phase, Ambient Temp. Compensated, 1-25 Amps MS14154, MS14154-L, MS14154-V, MS14154-VL
RCCB Remote Control Circuit Breakers M83383/01, M83383/02, M83383/04
RPC Remote Power Controller